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Windows7 Black Transparent



Windows7 Black Transparent theme

Hi All. This is my first theme for Windows 7. I made this by editing original build 7127 Aero theme.
I like transparent theme and in build 7127, full transparent windows frames are possible again, which inspired me to make Windows7 Black Transparent theme.

So, to use this theme, you need disable blur for windows frames by editing Windows registry and use uxtheme patch.

1.) Run "UniversalThemePatcher-x86.exe" as Administrator and patch system files.
2.) Restart computer.
3.) Double click on "Turn Off Blur.reg" (in "hideblur" folder) to disable blur effect.
4.) Restart DWM by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F9 twice. Or run "cmd" as administrator, type "net stop uxsms" without quotes, press Enter and then type "net start uxsms" and press Enter.
5.) Copy files from theme folder to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes
6.) Right click on desktop -> Personalize...there you should see in "Installed Themes " Windows7 Black Transparent. Click on it to apply theme.
7.) Right click on desktop -> Personalize -> Windows Color -> Advanced Appearance settings... -> then click on active window and check size of Active Title Bar (should be 19) and size of font (should be 19). Click Apply and it should by all you need to do.

Wallpaper is Longhorn Wall by yethzart: [link]

You also can use HideBlur function in builds which not support this, when you copy the two files "DWM.exe" and "uDWM.dll" from folder "system files" into c:\windows\system32\ folder and replace original files.

I hope you'll like my work!!

EDIT: To hide blur is better, faster use WINDOWS 7 AERO BLUR TWEAKER , here: [link]

P.S.: and sorry for my english:)
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